Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

This page is a compendium of our Energy Team meeting agendas and minutes for future reference.

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VV's energy team met as a group for the first time on 19 April 2010 with the Agenda attached. Ann Pacey hosted the meeting and invited were: Randy Chatterjee, Tom Martin, Ross Moster, John Robertson, Ian Wood, Matt Rowland, Brookes B., Nick Grabovac, and Yee Tong.

Hello VV Energy Team,

I am putting this out there as a way to get ahead of the curve when it comes to getting to know one another and ultimately seeing what personalities, resources, and visions with have as a germinating collective.

Here is a brief re-cap of our first meeting for prospective members....

There is a place for everyone here. This group and all VV working groups are a place for you to sow your own seeds or join in on others' projects. 

Some universal goals of the Energy Group would be:

- Increase Awareness (each others' and greater outreach)
- Prioritize and align and co-ordinate individual efforts within and between Villages. 
- Develop and implement elements of a Village Energy Model.

Here are some modes of participation and action:

1. Education/Outreach: administer it and/or receive it.
2. Research & Project Development 
3. Planning including EDAP (Energy Decent Action Plan)
4. Networking (alliances and new members). 
5. ...more..

8 members met at our first meeting at Ann's wonderful heritage home, and afterwards, I felt energized by the focus and spirit of this group. I learned so much and have refined my understanding of embodied energy in concrete and solar panels thanks to Randy; air-travel to dairy from Claudette; spagetti and wheelbarrows, Ross, and more... I now have a better idea of what projects this group is interested in and in the best position to move ahead in.

This discussion can serve as a starting point for us to re-envision how we might apply ourselves to achieve our individual, collective, and outreach goals as a part of Vancouver's transition towards resilient villages scale communities.

Where neighbors network, support, and assist one another in mutually beneficial relationships.

Let this be an open discussion of our goals, visions, information resource sharing, and also the start of a catalogue of various resources including: suppliers, websites, books, multimedia, people, and places.

Also, this is where we can inspire and refine each other's visions and share ideas about how to do what we are already doing and beyond.


Draft Minutes are attached from the June 3 Energy netWorking Group Meeting attended by Ann Pacey, Ross Moster, Rob Baxter, Pradeep (Pat) Verma, Matthew Klippenstein, Cloud, Nelson Ford, Julia Smith, Ludo Ferrari, Trevor Hirsche, and Randy Chatterjee
Final Minutes from the 19 April 2010 Energy netWorking Group are posted here. (An earlier posting was somehow deleted.)


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