Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

Mayan explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012

Talk by Ac Tah from Mexico “Mayan explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012”
in this YouTube

(Transcribed by Kathie Wallace)

So now in these times there’s something really bothering me having to do with the planetary alignment happening on Dec. 21 this year… there’s a great experiment that’s going to be fulfilled on that day using the particle accelerators…scientists are looking for the anti-matter…they want to use this alignment to generate a very high vibration called the proton proton…a proton generated with very large machines
…they’re 2 particles revolving in opposite directions and they travel dozens of km and when they come together and collide they let go and release all of these protons for the impact and these protons stimulate another round in the machine and they hit the earth and create a chain reaction towards the direction of the magma which hits the protons and shoots out to the exterior of the earth
-so when they’re released, they break the tectonic plates and ignite the methane gas which escapes in the earth and one moment of that friction= the methane gas catches on fire and when it is released into the exterior it connects with the oxygen and creates vortexes of fire…that’s how 100s of hectares of forest are burned…about a month ago in Chihuahua Mexico the movement of the earth created 2 of these spirals of fire
…the purpose of the experiment is to find this anti-matter particle
…but what really catches my attention is when the proton is released it creates holes in the planet-50 km wide and 50 km/metres? deep
-and when the proton is released, this entire area disappears-from 2010-2012, 90000 holes have appeared in the earth from this experiment
…the Mayas work a lot with the quantum physics and right now there is a space between the Mayas and the scientists…I’m going to make a space so we can explain this
…all the pyramids the Mayas built, they are also particle accelerators
… we knew that on Dec. 21-23 that there would be this planetary alignment and the energy would come from the centre of the galaxy to the earth but that it would only last 8 minutes
…realize that for these 8 minutes you have a very high level of consciousness and you would realize all the errors of your ways and everything that’s going on in your life
-but the earth would return and recuperate its vibration and so we would begin to forget
-and so we were going to use these pyramids so when this vibration arrives to the earth it remains trapped [for] a lot of times to allow us to maintain the awakened consciousness
- the quantum physicists today are studying the Mayan culture and they realize where this cosmic ray is going to hit, from the south US up to Guatemala…this is the width of the cosmic ray that will arrive to the planet, where this ray will maintain itself for 8 minutes
…unfortunately many of these pyramids have been destroyed
…and this vibration is not going to be maintained
…and so the scientists want to take advantage of this cosmic ray to elevate the vibration of their machines for the experiment in which they’re looking for the anti-matter
-to get their results, they need to switch the poles of the earth…they’ve tried it a few times.. the earthquake in Chili and Japan are the most recent…the axis of the earth shifted about 18 degrees and that’s a lot…the after effects of this in Brazil= there were 10000 tons of dead fish because to move the axis of earth, the animals respond in a magnetic way and they lose their orientation, many drown, hit each other, change their course so there are many changes on the planet
…and so I realized they had all their machines focused on Mexico… but how would they make it so all the protons came to Mexico? …it’s very easy when you understand basic science and you just study the elements of nature… if have I have a magnet, the electromagnetic field of the magnet is directed in this direction or here or wherever I want …it’s very easy…I just need a liquid metal…[it’s] mercury which cannot be magnetized but it works as a bridge to attract the magnetism
… everyone in Mexico has bought mercury without knowing it…where is it?…on the light saving light bulbs…the ones in a spiral …there are 50 million of these lamps in Mexico…that’s a considerable amount
…so now everything’s ready for Dec. 21
…but they forgot one detail: the Maya still exist and our memory is 3000 years old …so we began to build these particle deaccelerators are worth $3000 (and particle accelerators are worth millions of dollars)…so how do they work? the month of May I gathered with a large group of people in the Yucatan ..people who are awake in their consciousness…and we began to work with water and we created a formula…this formula, together with other elements, is able to absorb protons about 100 km all around it, so if a proton is released within 100 km of where we have a pyramid, the pyramid absorbs the proton from below through a sensor through an area of resonance
-it is then introduced to a cube that has a circuit inside of it so as the particle travels @speed of light and is very strong-we put this circuit inside water that cannot generate electricity, just absorbs it-use distilled water
- with 130 litres of water the proton deaccelerates and nothing happens
-we’ve planted these pyramids through Mexico and when I return we will make smaller ones-60 cm-that have an oscillator –the oscillator generates a frequency
-we will share them throughout the country –when you activate the oscillator and pull the field of the pyramid, it’s like a magnetic mattress throughout the entire country-this allows protons to collide so they lose their velocity
-I’m also making magnets through the entire country-human magnets- through the geometry that we showed when we do this movement generating an electromagnetic field in our body

This movement as done by a man and a woman: Ac Tah magnetic movement 4:32 MIN

-our bodies become a great big magnet so when we’re walking around the streets we’re activating the electromagnetic fields of everyone around us-it’s a good strategy-it works
- in Mexico there have recently been a lot of earthquakes-we only have 2 months to do this-to Dec-it’s very fast work-I travel day and night in Mexico –everyday, go from one place to another-this is why we decided to bring the geometry to the US so you can generate your own electromagnetic field because this is the entire lower zone of the continent
–this has to do with the awakening of consciousness
-the more people who work with the toroidal form of geometry-for every 13 people, we create like a small pyramid so if there were 120 people working with the geometry, in the moment of the alignment, all these people can attract this energy and maintain the vibration a lot longer to give the opportunity for everyone else to establish new patterns in the brain
-everything is energy and I love energy-everything we’re working with: magnetism, electricity, all energy-it’s all natural –the work that we’re doing to absorb the protons-these pyramids will help maintain the vibration in our country-we’re hoping to put a pyramid in Albuquerque-trying to figure how to bring them up here-anyone can help us to do that
-so in same way toroidal geometry-there’s no reason to be afraid-every element of nature is easily controlled by humans-we’re going to arrive at the level of work the scientists are experiencing-but first we need learn to understand our own bodies and then work with science-it’s very simple-right now we’re capable of doing so many marvellous things but we can’t because we’re governed by our emotions and emotions just teach you how to control other people-when you break away from that concept, science can serve humanity and so then we can begin to work together united and it will become a benefit to us
-so remember, when you use LED lights, transmit your love and illuminate the people-it works! –we’ve done so many experiments in Mexico and everything is very positive
…Any questions?
Where will the ray of the vibration reach? All the way to South America and maybe Honduras but the amplification of the process will be worldwide
-I’m in charge of all the work in Mexico-we sleep while travelling and when we arrive we begin to create conferences, workshops, with all the pyramids we send out all the different geometries in all the work we do-anyone want to come help us in Mexico, you’re welcome- we need more help
What happens after the change in consciousness? Really we’re going to take this consciousness but it’s like suddenly having an idea and you have it in mind for a while and if you don’t bring it to fruit the idea loses its force and falls away –so this works the same way with the alignment and the change in consciousness –it will last 8 minutes and people say “oh wow it’s true, we’re going to live in peace” but if we don’t do anything about it, it will feel like we just had an emotion and that’s it
-with the pyramids that we’re creating we hope that it allows the vibration to stay for at least 3 months so we can establish the consciousness so people have the time to create social groups, create plans, and begin to create another way of living-this is the awakening
How can we prepare ourselves for that moment?
Have a pen and paper ready because many ideas will occur to you so write them all down so later on you can figure which ones are helpful and use them
-we’re really all prepared-already working with crystals and healing and cures –we are within the moment-we just need this impulse-continue doing what you’re doing-you don’t have to change-continue meditating, singing, whatever you know how to do-all the religions and all philosophies have all come to help prepare us –there is nothing better than anything else-everything has come to prepare us for this knowledge-best is to just have more knowledge so if mine doesn’t work, maybe yours will
So within a moment we will achieve that unity –it does not mean we all do same thing-it means we all learn how co-exist with us all doing our own ways
What time will the 8 minutes happen? So about midday on the 21st is when the alignment begins and it ends on the 23 in the middle of day- in the center of that time is the highest peak of the alignment when the complete alignment takes place-on this cosmic level, it’s like the full moon which lasts 3 days and the actual full moon only lasts about 8 minutes and then it gradually loses its alignment but we see the full moon for 3 days long but it’s only completely full for 8 minutes
3 days of darkness? Because of this planetary alignment –the first day is when the moon aligns, and we will have a solar eclipse
-in the second day there will be another eclipse with Venus
-on the third day in morning is when the night will prolong itself and so it’s like an eclipse –like eclipses, they don’t generate anything in the human body
-no change anything-you will still have the same debt-
-the eclipses are just markers and this is our calendar-what we’re paying attention to is the electromagnetic impact of the centre of the galaxy with the sun-the eclipse allows us to just understand the dates of when that will happen-it won’t be like nighttime-it’s like an eclipse, and more like a sunset
So what’s happening with the alignment is it will affect our electricity
–if you’ve been in the forest at sunset-it’s almost so dark-there’s no need be afraid of this darkness-it won’t cause a change in our bodies-anyone who’s lived through a total eclipse knows it’s like sunset and that’s it-it’s just become very sensationalized
We will experience more intense problems with our electrical system
Will there be ascension? -all the vibration and the awakening of consciousness is the same-to ascend is to become conscious
So we just have to remember everything we think, we have to act on & make it happen-remember that it won’t do anything if we all sit here and just said “wow we’re in a different dimension” but if you continue to need money, you will just be in the same dimension you always were
-If we arrive to a higher dimension it has to mean everything will change
And to conclude, give each other nice hugs and when you hug each other, let the palms of your hands hug your backs so you can feel the vibration of the other person-feel the vibration of the person you’re hugging
Main website for Ac Tah:
How to activate the pineal gland (third eye) Information starts at about 21:00 in this YouTube:
Ac Tah shares Maya Knowledge - part 3
How to activate and awaken our toroidal energy field= our sacred space=our aura that surrounds our physical body, that the whole universe runs through. We ARE THIS SACRED SPACE, the torus energy field, interconnected with all that is. To re-claim our sacred, spiritual, sovereign power, we must move and activate our field. (You Tubes 1 and 2 below especially)
1. Ac Tah magnetic movement 4:32 MIN (already shown above)

(AC TAH HAS SAID IT IS VERY IMPORTANT when you want to begin the movements raise your arms straight out from your sides and align your body with where the sun rises and sets. You can face either way North or South just so your arms are lined up East to West. VERY IMPORTANT :))

2. Ac Tah movimientos energeticos 2:46 min

3. Mayan Visionary Ac Tah Shares Peace Generating Techniques 3:09 min

4. Ac Tah teaches movement based on Mayan Mysteries 9:20 min

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) from 1998 to 2008, with the aim of allowing physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics and high-energy physics, and particularly prove or disprove the existence of the hypothesized Higgs boson[1] and of the large family of new particles predicted by supersymmetric theories.[2] The LHC is expected to address some of the most fundamental questions of physics, advancing human understanding of the deepest laws of nature. It contains six detectors each designed for specific kinds of exploration.
The LHC was built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories.[3] It lies in a tunnel 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference, as deep as 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland.
Its synchrotron is designed to initially collide two opposing particle beams of either or lead nuclei at an energy of 574 TeV (92.0 µJ) per nucleus (2.76 TeV per nucleon-pair),[4][5] with energies to be doubled to around 14 TeV collision energy - more than ten times any predecessor collider - by around 2014. By 2012 the LHC Computing Grid was the world's largest computing grid, comprising over 170 computing facilities in a worldwide network across 36 countries.

For the first time on the planet, the most accurate and multidimensional representation of US-a depiction of us as the toroidal energy field that all existence flows through-has been created in this YouTube: Spirit Science 21 ~ Toroidal Flow

(Picture at about 6:20 in this YouTube)

So finally we are awakening to understand that until we SEE and read the whole columnar energy field that leaves its imprint as crop circles, we can`t communicate with it. WE have to awaken to being our many-dimensional being to communicate with it, wholeness to wholeness. I could say more but I think this is enough for now.
:-) I am so excited-come on, come on let`s wake up! Kathie

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