Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

Hastings-Sunrise Communal House Seeking House Mate

A communal house in East Vancouver (Hastings-Sunrise Village) is looking for someone to join the house as a roommate on an interesting experiment in urban homesteading.

A room in our house is available for January 1st, 2011.

Please feel free to forward this information on to anyone you know who might be interested.

We have a communal house in East Vancouver (Graveley between Kamloops and Penticton, near Clinton Park) that is in rapid transition to greater sustainability. We have a house in a quite and great neighbourhood close to many amenities and accessible public transportation.

There are currently four people living in the house. We are looking for a fifth person – male or female. We are looking for someone mature and interested in gardening, urban farming, Village Vancouver, transition movement, environmentalism, etc. Someone who is Peak Oil aware is desirable.

The house is very tranquil and quite. Good connections to public transportation, plenty of street parking - good central location for commuting.

Price: $500 per month - all inclusive (internet, utilities, long distance phone in Canada and US, full laundry; No smoking / no pets) - some furnishings are available as needed.

To give you an idea of our mission, take a look at this recent Georgia Straight article:

At risk of sounding like we want it all, here’s a brief synopsis of who we are looking for:

Our hope is to bring some like-minded person into the house to accomplish a few things: activism, growing food, education, mutual engagement, and mutual motivation to create food security and cooperate so that we can strengthen our living condition to the point of being able to help others in the transition process to a low energy future. That means we would like people to help us excel at growing food and expand the network of resource exchange... reducing the use of money to provide, especially food. We want people to join the house that are able to take care of items and the things they use and need. We want the people in the house to expand our benefit to each other; that means communicating, engaging in projects together, etc. Yes, a utopian vision, but a start. We want the house to attract more energy – intelligent energy - people who understand the issues we collectively face and can put into action knowledge about what's possible. We want to have guests be welcome at our home to share knowledge and connections, to share ideas, to make certain we are all informed of things going on and taking place that would interest us and expand our minds and fulfill our lives. Is that too much to ask? Maybe. Someone who has carpentry skills would be very helpful too – there are projects that require attention. We also want people to join the space who have knowledge of acquaponics, mushroom growing, trees, etc. Any kind of food cultivation skill is essential to spread to others. We also want people who aren't afraid of physical activity and health; people whose primary motivator is love. That's likely the most important stipulation.

Email ( or Call 604-727-4694 for more details.

Views: 123


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Comment by Ross Moster on December 6, 2010 at 10:32am
Hi Brennan,

We added this as a "featured" blog - so it now appears on home page as well.

It sounds like a great place to live - best of luck with finding someone!

Comment by Brian Green on December 6, 2010 at 7:56am
Hey Brennan.
Not looking for a place, but did want to touch base with you. We have a house in the 2600 block of William, and are doing our own little urban homesteading here - lots of garden space in the back, lots of canning and food preservation, and planning on tearing up the front yard for more gardening and putting in bee hives in the spring. Would be awesome to connect with you folks and start up a little network of folks in the area who have similar visions of what we want this community to be. Drop me a line at

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