Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

Vivian Lee
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  • Ross Moster

Vivian Lee's Page

Profile Information

In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Please tell us which areas of Transition interest you. For example: growing more food/urban agriculture, relocalizing our economy/local currency, Permaculture, transit, energy efficient buildings, the arts, urban homesteading, preserving seed diversity, placemaking, potlucks, outreach, organizing events, community-building, having fun while saving the world, or...
I have lived 6 decades, I felt that at my age I would like to see a future for all human beings to peace, justice and environmental preservation. Coming from a third world country I came to realize that the industrialized world has taken a large share of the earth's resources and is totally unsustainable if we were to continue at this pace.
I would like to see a new way of food production and
distribution, community kitchens where community members can learn to make healthy nutritious food.
There's a saying that "Transition is not a spectator sport". It's true! Village Vancouver runs on people power, and engaging in activities and projects together helps us accomplish more. Which groups, networks, neighbourhood villages, or projects do you think you might be interested in getting involved with? And what knowledge, skills, resources or other assets can you bring to the mix? (Don't be bashful!)
I have a background in Chemistry and have worked in research lab for many years, I would like to be able to inform people of danger of certain chemicals and pesticides.
Do research on plants and their medicinal properties.
What would you like to see improved in Vancouver or in your community regarding sustainability or resiliency? Do you have an idea for a new Transition project or activity?
A block party where we can exchange ideas and skills on reusing and recycling. Encourage restaurants to provide returnable containers for doggy bag which when returned will be
reimbursed or a discount for the purchased meal.
I agree to read and abide by the Site Guidelines under the About tab on the navigation bar, remaining respectful in all communications on this web site.
Don't feel like answering all the questions now? No worries, just tell us briefly why you're interested in joining at this time, and you can come back and update your profile later.
I read about it in my local newspaper, Burnaby Now about Village Burnaby. I think it is a refreshing idea to bring the community together and have a good exchange on the issues of great importance for the society and world as a whole. More dialogue is great!

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At 8:04pm on January 23, 2012, Matthew Stuart said…

Hi Vivian,

My name is Matthew, and I am from Village Burnaby.  I wanted to say thank you so much for joining on with Village, and I hope that we can work together on some projects.

I love your ideas, I think skill sharing and block parties are so important, and in fact both are things we will be focussing on in the early stages of village.

I would also love to talk to you more about the recycling, and your ideas for recycling at restaurants, I think we share a number of the same ideas, which is really great!

We have a potluck this Wednesday Jan. 25th, but the location has changed (which I feel just awful about).  We are now meeting at the Edmonds Community Association - 7282 Kingsway in Burnaby.  It is nice and close to the Edmonds Skytrain station, so hopefully won't be too hard to get to.

Please also join us on the Village Burnaby page -, this is where you can stay up-to-date with all of the things happening in Burnaby!

Thanks again for joining, and I look forward to meeting you soon.




Village engages individuals, neighbourhoods & organizations to take actions that build sustainable communities & have fun doing it. Join us!

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Village Vancouver's event was featured

*Depth of Field: Film Screening and Community Event at Community Hall, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

March 21, 2024 from 5pm to 8pm
Mar 18

Ongoing Activities

Interested in getting involved or volunteering with Village Vancouver? check out

Regular activities:

Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).

Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th

Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID

Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th

West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.

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