Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

Damien Gendron
  • Male
  • Burnaby
  • Canada
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Damien Gendron's Friends

  • Matthew Stuart
  • Paul Pilon
  • Leslie Kemp
  • Village Vancouver

Damien Gendron's Page

Profile Information

In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Please tell us which areas of Transition interest you. For example: growing more food/urban agriculture, relocalizing our economy/local currency, Permaculture, transit, energy efficient buildings, the arts, urban homesteading, preserving seed diversity, placemaking, potlucks, outreach, organizing events, community-building, having fun while saving the world, or...
I'm all about building a resilient lifestyle. Elimination of our "wage slave" lives by living closer to nature and finding efficient ways of growing our own food is paramount I think. Earthships mixed with a healthy dose of technology and a pinch of ecology could make it all happen I think.
There's a saying that "Transition is not a spectator sport". It's true! Village Vancouver runs on people power, and engaging in activities and projects together helps us accomplish more. Which groups, networks, neighbourhood villages, or projects do you think you might be interested in getting involved with? And what knowledge, skills, resources or other assets can you bring to the mix? (Don't be bashful!)
I have a wide range of skills and experience. At the moment I work as a CNC machinist. I have years of fabricating, machining, welding, electronics, computer experience. I am deeply committed to making a difference.
What would you like to see improved in Vancouver or in your community regarding sustainability or resiliency? Do you have an idea for a new Transition project or activity?
Many ideas. Too many to list here. But housing is a big problem that only gets worse as the years go by. Communal housing is probably the only way to deal with this in a large city.
I agree to read and abide by the Site Guidelines under the About tab on the navigation bar, remaining respectful in all communications on this web site.
Don't feel like answering all the questions now? No worries, just tell us briefly why you're interested in joining at this time, and you can come back and update your profile later.
I'm in the process of promoting another local group called OSRL (Open Source Resilient Living). I'm interested in meeting like minded people for networking purposes. It's time to make some changes and we need to work together to get it all done.

Damien Gendron's Blog

OSRL is going to have a CEB press soon

Posted on November 6, 2011 at 12:38am 2 Comments

Hello all.


I thought I would put it out there that OSRL (Open source Resilient Living), based in Burnaby, with any luck will have a CEB (compessed earth brick) press soon.  I have the design just about done and soon will have drawings to share with everyone.  In the interest of raising some funds for more projects, I would be willing to rent the machine out to group members for a good rate.


This is a great…


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At 8:14pm on January 9, 2012, Matthew Stuart said…

Hey Damien,

Matthew again from Village Burnaby.  We are planning our second potluck for Wednesday January 25th, 2012 at the Bonsor Recreation Centre (6550 Bonsor Ave).  We had an amazing first meeting, and would really like to build some momentum around the ideas discussed.

Also, if you want to stay in the loop with whats happening with Village Burnaby, please join our - Village Burnaby page. Look forward to seeing you soon!

At 7:28pm on December 11, 2011, Matthew Stuart said…

Hey Damien

We are attempting to start a Village group in Burnaby, and are looking for all Burnaby folks to join us in our initial meet & greet.

We have set the meeting for Wednesday December 14th from 7pm - 9pm at the Bonsor Recreation Centre (6550 Bonsor Avenue) in Multipurpose Room 2.

The event will be a potluck, and if you can bring a small bite to share with the group it would be amazing.

I sincerely hope you can attend, and if not, please keep an eye on the Burnaby page as we will try to meet monthly from here on in.

Look forward to speaking with you soon!


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*Depth of Field: Film Screening and Community Event at Community Hall, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

March 21, 2024 from 5pm to 8pm
Mar 18

Ongoing Activities

Interested in getting involved or volunteering with Village Vancouver? check out

Regular activities:

Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).

Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th

Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID

Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th

West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.

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