Jacqui and James also both live in Hastings, so you have the start of a local village. In other very local news, Village Vancouver, Neighbour to Neighbour, and the Hastings Park Conservancy will be hosting this coming spring a new Hastings Townsite design charrette, a way for the whole community to plan the community, its parkland, cycling routes, community gardens, and commercial areas. We'll let you know more about it in April.
Hey Emily! Send an email to my favorite chicken lady, Megan: dykeman@telus.net. Half of my hens have come from her and I've sent a lot of people her way. She has a good selection of very nice, healthy birds. If you are lucky, she may still have 2 beautiful Rhode Island Reds that were hand raised by 4-H kids and just started laying. Cheers!
Randy Chatterjee
As you can see, we are just beginning to build an on-line community for Village Vancouver, and organize our extensive activities more openly and collaboratively through this site. Please feel free to contribute to a discussion, attend or even enter a new event, join a working group, or even form a Village.
Jacqui and James also both live in Hastings, so you have the start of a local village. In other very local news, Village Vancouver, Neighbour to Neighbour, and the Hastings Park Conservancy will be hosting this coming spring a new Hastings Townsite design charrette, a way for the whole community to plan the community, its parkland, cycling routes, community gardens, and commercial areas. We'll let you know more about it in April.
Feb 15, 2010
Julia Smith
Feb 15, 2011