Robin Macqueen


Vancouver, BC


Profile Information:

In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Kensington-Cedar Cottage

Comment Wall:

  • Randy Chatterjee

    Welcome, Robin.

    As you can see, we are just beginning to build an on-line community for Village Vancouver, and organize our extensive activities more openly and collaboratively through this site. Please feel free to contribute to a discussion, attend or even enter a new event, join a working group, or join a Village.

    Lesley Kemp has already created a village in Cedar Cottage, and she could use some help pulling people together. Please join this group, and help build ties in your community.
  • Jenny Rustemeyer

    I'm still trying to figure this system out, but nice to meet you too! Love the potluck idea. After this weekend, I guess we should start looking at organizing. I was thinking of contacting the new Vancouver tool library to see if they want to do it as a fundraiser.
  • Jenny Rustemeyer

    I'm thinking that July or Aug works better. June is already filling up, and I need to check with the City regarding permits.