Permaculture Village

Transition is based on, and inspired by,  Permaculture principles. Permaculture is permanent agriculture and permanent culture. We will be approaching 'creating sustainable habitat' in many different ways: regular design & demonstration projects; Social permaculture; workshops. Permablitzes, Blitzes or Permaculture Energy Transfer or Pet Day are days that we go on site collectively create systems which cycle energy toward win win win economy. Food forests provide abundant gardens and parks for all, and structures are working in many ways, creating shade, capturing heat, collecting water. Together we will explore ecological urban and rural design.

Salon d'Elan Vital Monthly Gathering: Hands-on Earth Day Salon -- Permaculture Blitz in Strathcona

Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 11am to 2:30pm
at VV Permaculture plot at Cottonwood Community Garden

Join us for April's salon. Rather than our usual discussion or presentation, we're going to do something hands on for Earth Day - a permaculture blitz at VV's Permaculture plot at Cottonwood Community Garden. 11-2:30, including a potluck.

Room for 6 people. RSVP here or to

We have several blitzes coming up in various locations over the next 3-4 months. If you're interested in being notified, let us know.