Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

My kefir starter is growing and growing.  If you'd like to come pick some up, I'd be glad to share rather than throwing it away!

Message me to let me know.

Hastings Sunrise Village

Views: 836

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HI Leanne, had to add you as a friend before it would let me msg you but just so you know that's why you're getting a friend request from me. :) I am definitely interested in some kefir. I'm not sure what to do with it but maybe you can give me some pointers?

I want to try this too.:-) There are a number websites with very good instructions out there.



Al is second! Please see my reply to Brianne...

Hi Leanne,


Thanks for the Kefir. They are growing well in their new home.:-)


I have some questions about them and the fermentation process.


Friend me so we can have a private conversation or send an email to


Thanks again,



Hi Brianne,

I have enough to give probably 3 people right now.  You are first - if you'd like to pick some up.  Give me a call at 604-762-4779.  My address is 641 Windermere.  Near the rollercoaster at Playland.

I leave the kefir overnight on the counter in a ceramic jar with organic milk (raw milk would be better).  In the morning it is about the consistency of thin buttermilk, which we strain out and save the starter.  kefir has quite a tangy flavour, and its not thick like the stuff you get in the store, which has very little beneficial bacteria left.  We don't like it straight, but in the blender with some fruit - especially mango, banana and blueberry...its is delicious.  Like a lassi.  you can also use in baking.


Kefir probiotics are full spectrum and fabulous for everything in your body.  I only ask that you share it around with others as it grows.  It looks kind of like a brain, or  cauliflower.  haha

Sounds good Leanne! I will be in touch!
Before I forget, Leanne, Al and I live at the same house and will share ours so you can give the third portion to someone else. I will be in touch probably tomorrow.


I've long used the store-bought packets, and am eager to care for and use true starter.  I'll give it a good home.


Randy is third! 
I'd be interested in some as well, whenever you have more. Let me know if you still have some available around now (I could pick up on the weekend likely) otherwise I am happy to wait a bit. Thanks for offering to share!


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