Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

*For those of you who missed the previous potluck Shamir and Surrinder brought pamphlets regarding the Neighbourhood Small Grants Program - grants from $50 to $500 are available, please see link here We thought we would brainstorm ideas
before and at our next potluck ...the deadline is march 31st.

An idea for small community grants!

At the last potluck I was excited to hear from Kate that Portland is doing some amazing ‘street repair' projects. The one she saw was a residential intersection that was painted with a colouful lotus flower. On one
corner it had an sculptled bench that was modeled to look like it had angels
wings (and I believe it was made of cob- like adobe) , another corner had a tea
stand complete with hot water that a neighbour regularly supplied, another
corner had a book exchange case and another had a children’s play area.  The organization that inspired these kinds of
projects is 'city repair' and you can check out their site here


If you look under ‘placemaking’ and then ‘neighbourhood sites’ it is possible to use google street view to see the various amazing street repair completed projects!


I would love to bring this idea here and I heard rumors that people from Portland’s city repair will be in Vancouver soon and I hope to meet up with them and to invite them to present.  I’m thinking it would be great if many main
street area residential intersections sprung up this year! I am planning on submitting
a small community grant application to help cover some of the costs. Also, I
plan to look into city bylaws. We can discuss this further at the next potluck
or please email me.


Looking forward to transforming an intersection with you!


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Some great ideas!

Another piece of "street furniture" that builds community is a bulletin board. The wood for the stand and little roof, plus a little corkboard, might run $100, and is a great way to advertise and organize locally.

Another big idea we had, and one several of us have experience doing, is a BIG community potluck. We're talking about filling Heritage Hall with 300 people.

We did this last year, under the auspices of NOWBC (Neighbours Organic Weekly) and Food for Families, and raised $500. Best of all, we did it with NO WASTE. All left-over food scraps were composted, and all serving ware was washable. No paper, no waste. The local beer and organic wine was also excellent, along with great live music.

Transition is about having fun!

Hi again all!
In addition to the neighbourhood grant a small grant for artists is being offered. Deadline April 21
Thanks for passing on the following information Varouj!

The Neighbourhood Small Grants Project offers from $50 to $500 for neighbours who want to work together on projects that enhance their neighbourhood socially, culturally or physically. This year, the Little Mountain and Mount Pleasant NSGP is offering Artist Enhancement Grants of up to $500 as a supplement the NSGP grants. Artists may apply for the regular NSGP to cover the cost of materials for a project and then they may
apply for up to $500 in further funding to pay the artist! For more information and to download copies of the application forms visit
The deadline for NSGP Artist Enhancement Grants is April 21.

Cheers, Anna


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*Depth of Field: Film Screening and Community Event at Community Hall, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House

March 21, 2024 from 5pm to 8pm
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