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Dear beekeepers and other beekeeping enthusiasts,
I encourage you to become part of a neighbourhood group where you can meet in person with other beekeepers regularly (or with people interested in beekeeping). Steve and I are part of a group of about 10 beekeepers that was created last spring. We had a couple of get-togethers last year and it was invaluable (and fun!) to learn from each others’ experiences. So far I have responses from people who would like to start a group in the Commercial Drive area, Dunbar and North Vancouver. I suggest creating groups based on where you live - having people that live near by who can lend a hand (or hive box if your bees swarm!) can be very helpful.
Please note that during Anna's absence, you may contact Steve Sandve (beekeeper) or Cylia for questions and help furthering ideas related to beekeeping. (Click on the links at their names above to open up their Village page, and write them a note on their Comment Wall.)
Started by Hannah Carpendale Sep 14, 2013. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hi Hannah - you can e-mail me. I have about a liter of 65% Formic Acid I am not using.
cheers, Fiona
Hello all, we are looking to buy 9 oz. of 65% formic acid from someone who has a supply and is located in the city, or to buy a larger amount from a supplier together with someone else (ideally who is able to pick it up). Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Equipment can be sterilized at Iotron Industries in Coquitlam but this is usually done earlier in the year. The Richmond Beekeeping Club does a group purchase as I think they only do larger orders. You could use a blow torch to clean the inside of the boxes and bottom boards if you are sure that there was no AFB in the hives previously. Scrape and sand off the paint on the outside and repaint. Personally I would spend the money and get new frames, I don't like to clean old frames if they have comb on them.
Hi everyone, I am part of the beekeepers' group at the Purple Thistle Centre, and we're looking for help or leads for sterilizing our equipment as we don't have experience with this. We have four supers, two bottom boards, stands, and covers, and about forty frames. Any help would be much appreciated!
It really depends on when suppliers get their shipments... I think it may be as late as June. I would suggest starting sooner rather than later if you plan to get any honey in your first year.
You might want to contact Lindsey at Urban Bee Supply or
Bob from West Coast Bee Supply. They will both be bringing in packages from New Zealand.
If you want local bees, I would suggest joining a bee club and getting on a swarm list, or ask around for a split, which you can get later in the Spring.
Eric may be able to sell you a split later in the spring too.
If you're starting out, what is the latest in the year you want to get your bees?
Needing Bees?
A member of the Richmond Beekeepers Association has 5 frame nucs available on March 1st for $180.
These are locally overwintered bees, not imports from NZ.
Email Eric for details.
Thanks for the info. I will contact them and let you how I make out. cylia
At Still Creek Community garden we have 2 colonys that did well this year (about 35 litres of honey) Last time we looked the bees were still thriving in their hives. We also have an Oxcalic acid vaporizer for use if any garden is treating this winter. We used garden money to start the hives and then sold the honey back to the gardeners and covered our start up costs.
We plan on doing a couple splits this spring if the colonys survive and add 2 more hives to the garden.
Cottonwood has bees.
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