Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

I obtained some kefir grains in May 2011 and have been making kefir and growing the grains - and giving excess to friends. Now several of us have more grains than we need.

I'd like to find good homes for excess grains - but I want to make sure those who take them are truly interested and knowledgeable about them and will take care of them.

Is anyone interested?


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Hello Elaine.

I'm interested in your offer for water kefir grains as well. Do you have enough for another person? I'm leaving for a few days for work but will be back by this Friday if that's OK for you? Thanks for your generosity!



Hi Katrina! 

Thanks for your message, I'm so happy to see people getting into kefir.  I've only just started to experiment in the recent months since I moved to Vancouver. 

So I'm actually out of the country right now, but coming back on the 24th of January. Would that be too late for you to come by and pick up some water kefir and/or kombucha?  Feel free to email me at to coordinate.

Happy New Year!


Hello Elaine,

I'd be awesome if I can get some water kefir grains off you if you still have any. I've been doing quite a bit of reading and youtubing about them and I would love to try the real stuff.



Hi Elaine, I am looking for water kefir grains. if you still have some available please let me know how I can pick them up.
-Thank you

Hi Erin, I'd responded but didn't realize you were looking for water kefir. If you know anyone who wants milk kefir, please tell them to contact me at thanks!


Is there anyone in or near Burnaby ( Metrotown area) who have any kefir grains to share? I also travel to the Broadway/Granville area often


Thank you much!


I am looking for Kefir Grains too. Could you please send me your contact too?

Thank you very much!


Hey Nicolas, I can definitely give you some kefir grains.....but would you be willing to wait until I am back in Vancouver?  I'm actually visiting my family in California right now and won't be back until just after the New Year. Best way to contact me for now is email:

Happy Holidays!!


I have people ...random strangers...calling me from all over the Lower Mainland...I have a waiting list for my grains!  Can I give them your contact info? 

If you just put the word out, I did on Craigslist...and then kinda interview them to see if they are going to take care of will have people banging down your door for kefir!


I have been giving grains away on a regular basis and sometimes have had to ask friends who were recipients if they can spare grains for those asking me.

I will continue to share with Village Vancouver contacts when I can, but don't want random strangers calling me. 

Hi Leanne, yes...please feel free to share my contact info with them. If they can contact me through Village Vancouver, that'd be great.  Also, just to make sure....what I have are sugar water kefir grains, not milk kefir grains.  Just don't want to disappoint anyone looking for the other.



Hi Elaine, do you still (or will have) some water kefir grains to share?
I am trying to make a scoby for kombucha, but read that kefir will probably be better for me.
Thanks, Anita


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