Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: April 23, 2013 from 6:15pm to 7pm
Location: Ing Building...Boardroom
Street: 466 Howe Street
City/Town: Vancouver
Event Neighbourhood and Type: equality, of, pay, for, work
Organized By: Viral
Latest Activity: Apr 23, 2013
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Is Justice an Important Value to you?
Do you want to be part of something that leads to tangible change in the short term & potentially transformational change in the long-term?
Do you want to do your best to get paid what you earn? (statistics prove there is a sizable wage gap between people in different groups ie gender, age, ancestry etc )
On April 23rd, from 6:15pm to 7pm, i am holding a discussion for what i believe will help achieve the above.
I've read some studies on the sizable gender wage gap. It's unjust, unequal, & unequivocally unacceptable. Will inevitably change. Together we will accelerate that. By dreaming big, starting small and executing a smart plan effectively.
Ideally, every person gets equal pay for equal work. Multiple data-points indicate that is not the reality. Instead often pounds of government law (ie Obama law ie Lily Ledbetter Act), orpound of cure (patiently waiting for a maturing society with evolving sensibilities), i'm interested in an ounce of prevention (ie first small step, an organization for wage equality for equal results of work and applying learnings to something more).
What I am interested in is building an institution dedicated to helping people be the best of what they can become, share the best of themselves with a cause greater than that of their own lives and learn how to lead, to leave a lasting legacy.
One day we will live in a world where everyone can live the lives they dream of. We get there one step at a time by dreaming global and acting local. One simple, smart, sustainable, scalable step at a time. You can do your fair share, by starting now. And RSVP'g with a Yes.
If you have any questions/comments please feel free to write them down below and I will do my best to respond promptly and effectively.
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RSVP for Wage Equality for Equality of Work: Irrespective of Gender, Ancestry, Age etc etc to add comments!
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