Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: March 29, 2014 at 9am to March 30, 2014 at 5pm
Location: Frank West Hall
Street: 1224 Chaster Rd
City/Town: Gibsons
Website or Map: http://www.sunshinecoastintra…
Phone: 604 886 8769
Event Neighbourhood and Type: sunshine, coast
Organized By: Leonie Croy
Latest Activity: Mar 30, 2014
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Transition LAUNCH, is a 2 day course, packed with imaginative ways to delve into the practice of Transition. It provides practical tools and know-how on how to set up, run, and evolve a successful Transition Initiative.
Transition LAUNCH aims at people, who:
- are new to transition and want to evaluate the model and practice to see if it is for them
- are part of a TI that is just beginning or about to start
- want additional skills or awareness in how to communicate about peak oil and other reasons why we need to do transition, fundamental skills around awareness raising, fundamental skills in how to set up and run an Open Space event, or the basic skills in how to create and run a successful initiating group.
Transition LAUNCH provides:
- an experience of Transition.
- insight into the early stages of a Transition Initiative.
- a deepening journey into the inner dimension of Transition.
- the opportunity to meet other people involved in Transition initiatives and share experiences, difficulties and successes
Facilitator: Michelle Colussi.
A teacher by training and in spirit, Michelle has an extensive background in rural and small town revitalization and multi-stakeholder facilitation & leadership development in the non-profit sector. She is a certified facilitator of the "Training for Transition" workshop and is very active in building the Transtion Town network in Canada.
Apprentice Facilitator: Leonie Croy
A founding member of Sunshine Coast in Transition Canada, Leonie has completed the "Training for Transition" Workshop with the developers of Transiton Training: Naresh Giangrande (also co-founder of Transiton Town Totnes) and Sophy Banks.
A teacher by training and in spirit, Michelle Colussi has an extensive background in rural and small town revitalization and multi-stakeholder facilitation and leadership development in the nonprofit sector. She was team leader in the development of the Community Resilience Manual (2000), a tool that has been adapted for use around the world, and is now co-ordinating a revised edition that will make the process relevant to communities tested by peak oil and climate change. Michelle is a certified facilitator of the “Training for Transition” workshop and is very active in building the Transition Town network in Canada.
- See more at:
REGISTRATION: See attachment or visit: Spaces are limited so register early to avoid disappointment
Fee: $106.
We are offering this course at the lowest possible cost because we recognize so many folks "transitioning" in our community volunteer their time. Also, we invite you to help us make the workshop available to everyone on the Sunshine Coast regardless of their financial means. So, if you are wishing to a offer full or partial sponsorship to someone, or you are needing sponsorship and are unable to find an organization or person to sponsor you, please contact Leonie or phone 604 886 8769
Frank West Hall is on a bus route. Find schedule at
Bicycles can be secured safely on site.
If you are looking for vehicle passengers or are wanting to join a carpool for the first morning, contact
Tea, coffee, juices, water and snacks provided. Please bring a bagged lunch.
Tweeted you as well--hello from the Seattle sailors! We look forward to sharing our sail transport lessons learned with you, when you're ready. :-) Kathy "Working in harmony with Nature's gifts of wind and tide."
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