Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: June 11, 2011 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: UBC Farm
Street: 6182 South Campus Road
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://cedarweavingjune11.eve…
Phone: 604 822 5092
Event Neighbourhood and Type: ubc, farm
Organized By: UBC Farm Community Engagement
Latest Activity: Jun 7, 2011
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Workshop Description: Cedar is an important part of many First Nations People's cultural traditions in BC, and is used in a variety of ways from potlatch cedar bark ceremonies, to carved canoes with cedar rope, to weaving (baskets, headbands, capes, wrist bands, hats and today contemporary clothing). This workshop will focus on the significance of cedar for many First Nations People and the various ways in which it can be used. Participants will learn to make and take home cedar headbands, roses or rope bracelets. If interested participants wish to start a cedar basket, a second course is necessary to complete this project. Please speak with the instructor if interested or contact Gemma for further details. A handout will be provided.
Presenter Bio: My name is Contessa Brown, I’m Heiltsuk descendant, my ancestral name is Qmdmaxl this name has been passed down for generations. The Heiltsuks live on the central coast of BC and our people still to this day practice our cultural traditional ways of living. I am a cedar weaver as well as harvester of our traditional medicines used for health and well being, as well as for cultural practices. I am more than willing to share my knowledge of these practices. Cedar is sacred to First Nations People of the North West Coast. We use cedar in many different ways. The cedar bark is harvested seasonally and prepared for many purposes.
Date: June 11th, 1pm-5pm
Location: UBC Farm Center (Children’s Greenhouse)
Cost: $45 (+ $2.12 registration fee)
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Growing Season Workshops:
This event is part of the UBC Farm Growing Season Workshop Series. Our goal is to connect sustainability and life-skills experts with our local community through accessible and affordable workshops. Come join us for a workshop, gain new skills and knowledge, and help support the UBC Farm!
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