Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: November 26, 2011 from 8:30pm to 11pm
Location: Eternal Abundance Organic Grocery + Cafe
Street: 1025 Commercial Dr
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:…
Phone: 604-707-0088
Event Neighbourhood and Type: grandview-woodlands
Organized By: Alexandra Brigham
Latest Activity: Nov 27, 2011
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Join us for an evening of learning and discussion as Eternal Abundance hosts a screening of The Economics of Happiness. Entry $5-$8 sliding scale, includes organic tea or cookie
The Economics of Happiness discusses the worldwide movement for localization. Both hard-hitting and inspiring, it demonstrates that millions of people across the world are already engaged in building a better world – that small scale initiatives are happening on a large scale. The film shows that countless initiatives are united around a common cause: rebuilding more democratic, human scale, ecological and local economies – the foundation of an ‘economics of happiness’. For the most up to date information visit the Facebook page
Come at 7:30 or earlier for dinner or shopping before the screening. Receive a 10% discount off your purchases with film admission.
Peter and I went to this event. It discusses how globalization affects us and why we need to continue with localizing everything -- energy, food, banking, etc. It mentioned the Transition Town movement as well.
I actually saw this film at a conference earlier this year - it is quite worth watching!
Looks interesting. I'll see how I feel -- still dealing with this cold....
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