Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: October 1, 2010 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: SFU Harbour Centre - room 7000
Event Neighbourhood and Type: vancouver
Organized By: Brennan Wauters
Latest Activity: Sep 30, 2010
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The Vancouver Peak Oil collective and discussion group presents...
The Akakor Hemp-Ethanol Permaculture Community's first public presentation.
BC's first and entirely independent ethanol fuel collective debuts its plan.
Friday October 1st 2010, 7pm.
Simon Fraser University (SFU Harbour Centre) - Downtown Vancouver - 7th floor, Room 7000.
Public transit is the best means to get to the event due to possible parking issues; aside from the obvious reduction in energy consumption.
Capacity: 45 people
The Akakor Hemp-Ethanol Permaculture Community will present information about their strategy to create a carbon sequestering technique that also supplies liquid fuel. Sounds too good to be true. The production of liquid fuels that work on infrastructure already created for fossil fuels will limit the grave and large amount of infrastructural changes needed to eliminate fossil fuel burning. In any scenario currently tabulated, massive energy use reduction is essential. However, this idea has some currency and the Vancouver Peak Oil Group has been invited to test the plan. This presentation is open to our group for the purpose of checking and verifying information, and to ask relevant and challenging questions about ethanol production from industrial hemp. Bring your toughest questions.
Anyone interested in Transition and Village Vancouver is also encouraged to attend.
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