Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: November 24, 2011 from 8:15am to 3:30pm
Location: Vancouver Public Library - Downtown Branch - Alice MacKay Room
Street: 350 West Georgia Street @ Hamilton
City/Town: Vancouver, BC
Website or Map:…
Phone: 604-733-1058
Event Neighbourhood and Type: downtown, forum, sustainability, empowerment, suzuki
Organized By: Suzuki Elders
Latest Activity: Nov 21, 2011
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On Thursday November 24, the Association of Suzuki Elders is hosting the second Suzuki Elders and Environment Forum. This is an all day event taking place at the downtown branch of the Vancouver Public Library. The registration flyer is attached.
The theme - "What can I do?.....Start Where You Are!"
The goal - to encourage and empower participants to address critical environmental issues "starting where they are," and to dialogue, network, learn and share with others in the process.
The cost: $55 - this includes lunch and refreshments.
To register (pre-registration required, please and thanks):
Online registration: http://suzukieldersforum/
(Note that if you click on "other payment options" the form is set up so that you can mail a cheque rather than use your credit card on line, if that is what you prefer.)
People can also access the registration information at:
the Suzuki Elders website or through the David Suzuki Foundation website, (click on events and follow the links)
PROGRAM: What can I do? Start where you are!
8:15 am: Registration opens 9:00 am: Introduction (Conrad Guelke, Chair, Association of Suzuki Elders) and Welcome Address (Peter Robinson, CEO, David Suzuki Foundation). 9:30 am: Start with your message. Keynote speaker: Terry O’Reilly,
advertising authority and CBC broadcaster (The Age of Persuasion). 10:45 am – Noon, repeated 1:00 -2:15 pm: Choose between four discussion/action groups being offered concurrently in morning and again in afternoon sessions:
Group 1. Start with what we eat. Facilitator: Herb Barbolet, Associate with the Centre for Sustainable Community Development at Simon Fraser University and co-founder Farm Folk City Folk. Group 2. Start with where we live. Facilitator: Amanda Pitre-Hayes, Director of Sustainability, Sustainability Group at the City of Vancouver. Group 3. Start with a story. Facilitator: Lindsay Coulter, David Suzuki’s Queen of Green is a spokesperson, blogger, voice of The Suzuki Report and syndicated columnist for the Metro News.
Group 4. Start with our selves. Facilitator: Jackie Larkin. Using a deep ecological perspective, Jackie co-facilitates "The Work That Reconnects" Workshops which help us to explore our deepest feelings about our troubled world.
2:45 – 3:15 pm: Start where we are – standing on elder ground, Closing Plenary speaker: David Suzuki, Scientist, Broadcaster, Environmental Activist and Co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. Pauline Le Bel, singer-songwriter and Suzuki Elder, will sing us into and out of the forum.
Break refreshments and lunch will be provided, along with great opportunities to dialogue with others, network, and learn about the Suzuki Elders. Bring your experience. Bring your hopes. Together, we will start where we are.
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