Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: May 9, 2013 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: YWCA Metro Vancouver
Street: 535 Hornby St.
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:
Phone: 604-618-6584
Event Neighbourhood and Type: downtown, workshop, gardening, planning
Organized By: The Urban Farmer Field School
Latest Activity: Apr 15, 2013
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Succession planting - following one crop with another - is an important method for maximizing a garden's yield and extending the harvest season. Gardeners and farmers in the Vancouver region can take advantage of succession planning to help maximize their harvest as well as extend the harvest period of their favorite crops. Creating a detailed succession plan eliminates the guesswork of what and when to plant as the season progresses. Materials and structures that allow for season extension should also be considered when planning for the season.
During this workshop, we will overview the advantages of succession planning and demonstrate the benefit of well-planned crops. We will look at season extension structures and techniques, and we will spend some time focusing on the ideal crops for our region. A period at the end of the workshop will be set aside to explore the individual scenarios applicable to the participants and simulate planning of various growing models. UBC Farm also offers various examples of season extension that will be visited and explored throughout the workshop. This workshop is well suited for backyard gardeners as well as small-scale farmers.
Learning Goals:
Overview of succession planting techniques
Crop Planning Basics
Season extension techniques & regional crop choices
Mel Sylvestre has been a small-scale organic farmer for 10 years. She spent 6 years on Vancouver Island working with Saanich Organics and ran a small acreage of mixed vegetables called RiseUp Organic for 4 years. She is currently working at UBC Farm while finishing her degree in plant and soil science at UBC. She has been a seed saver for the last 4 years and is currently focusing on developing organic plant breeding project at UBC Farm. She has taught several seed saving courses over the years.
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Regular activities:
Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).
Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th
Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID
Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th
West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.
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