Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: August 10, 2013 from 1pm to 3pm
Location: Still Creek 29th street Skytrain Station
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://www.falsecreekwatershe…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: still, creek, renfrew, grandview, cedar, cottage
Organized By: Celia Brauer
Latest Activity: Aug 3, 2013
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Meet at Joyce Collingwood Skytrain Station at 1:00 PM. Come and retrace a portion of the Still Creek system that not long ago was a lake a mile long. This lake ran along the edge of Kingsway down the middle of historic Collingwood. In the 1860s when it was still a remote portion of an uninhabited wilderenss, this beaver lake was considered prime real estate - it was one of the first pieces of land to be take up by a Non-Native in the new colony of British Columbia. The recipient was Colonel Richard Moody, the person in charge of this new system. After being drained it provided some of the richest farmland in East Vancouver, the location of numerous orchards, chicken ranches and amrket gardens in the early days of Vancouver.
The walk will end at the 29th Street Skytrain Station.
This walk will be led by Vancouver-born historian Bruce Macdonald, authour of "Vancouver - a Visual History" Bruce grew up in the city but much of his childhood was spent in the local woods appreciating nature. Each participant will receive a four page handout with some local history and detailed colour maps.
By donation.
Rain or shine.
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