Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: March 28, 2012 from 5pm to 7pm
Location: UBC Robson Square
Street: 800 Robson Street
City/Town: Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory
Website or Map:
Phone: 604.822.4644
Event Neighbourhood and Type: downtown, lecture, free
Organized By: Sara Muir-Owen, UBC Program Coordinator
Latest Activity: Mar 26, 2012
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Join UBC and SFU for a discussion with two of Vancouver’s most influential planning academics, Professors Mark Roseland and Ron Kellett. Learn more from Mark Roseland about what’s happened at the community level in sustainable development since the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 1992. Find out about Ron Kellett’s work on engaging citizens through “measured visualizations” to explore and express the links of energy, GHG emissions and community planning.
When: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Where: Rm C400, UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Register: or just turn up (The event is free of charge and open to the public. Space is limited and only available on a first-come, first-serve basis.)
Live Web Stream: Shaping Communities as if Sustainability Mattered
Prof. Mark Roseland is Director of the Centre for Sustainable Community Development and Professor of Resource and Environmental Management, SFU. Dr. Roseland lectures internationally and advises communities and governments on sustainable development policy and planning. The 4th edition of Dr. Roseland’s Toward Sustainable Communities will be published in Spring 2012 and released at the ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability 2012 World Congress and International Researchers Symposium, associated with the Rio+20 Earth Summit. At SFU, he is a founding member of the SFU Community Trust’s Board of Directors, responsible for the award-winning UniverCity sustainable community development project.
Prof. Ronald Kellett is a professor at the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, UBC. Since the 1990s, his work has focused around issues of environmental quality and urban form and the development of form-based decision support tools for urban design. His research, consulting and writing has influenced patterns of urban growth and development in several Canadian and US cities and contributed to the adoption of ‘green’ urban design processes, plans, codes, standards, guidelines and prototypes.
We hope that you can make it, either in person or by accessing our webcast at Shaping Communities as if Sustainability Mattered.
Sara Muir Owen
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)
University of British Columbia
2260 West Mall, CIRS Building | Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Tel 604.822.4644 |
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