Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: April 28, 2012 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: The Rhizome Cafe
Street: 317 East Broadway
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:
Event Neighbourhood and Type: mount, pleasant, grandview, woodland, peak, oil, community, engagement, art, activism
Organized By: Adam Huggins
Latest Activity: Apr 24, 2012
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How do we confront overwhelming social, political, and ecological issues with a sense of agency? Two pairs of young filmmakers explore this question on separate journeys: one kayaking the 900km between Kitimat and Vancouver BC in search of answers about Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline; the other following the 3500km of the Kinder Morgan TransMountain Pipeline from Vancouver to Fort McMurray AB, the center of tar sands extraction. The films serve as catalysts and palette-cleansers for discussion.
More infos:
Filmmakers in Attendance! Stay after screening for discussion on pipelines, tarsands, and creative resistance!
Don’t forget to support your local Rhizome!
- - - - The PipeDreams Project - - - - -
Ryan Vandecasteyen & Faroe Des Roches
Digital, 28 min., 2011
In May of 2010, Enbridge Inc. made an official application to build twined crude oil and condensate pipelines that would connect Alberta's Tar Sands to Kitimat, BC, and for the first time bring crude oil super tankers to BC's North Coast. In the fall of 2010, Curtis, Ryan and Faroe kayaked 900 km in opposition to this controversial pipeline.
Their journey leads them face to face with the complexity of the environmental assessment process, the difficulties local communities face in having their voices heard, and the growing resistance against the pipeline. Leaving the city behind for adventure and the exploration of the isolated and dangerous coast of British Columbia, they immerse themselves completely in one of the last truly wild places on Earth. The trio becomes deeply impacted by their experience, irreversibly entangled in the Pacific Northwest, and awakened to a world of power, politics and the question of democracy.
- - - - Someday All of This Will Be Yours - - - - -
Adam Huggins, Ilana Fonariov, & Jethro Archer
16mm, 22 min., 2011
Traversing the TransMountain Pipeline from Vancouver to Alberta’s Oil Sands, Someday All Of This Will Be Yours is a surrealist anti-documentary, a road trip film about resource extraction, and an exploration of how individuals relate to the myriad of acute social, ecological, and political struggles within and across their communities. Shot by three travellers on a bolex over seven days, processed by hand in buckets of developer at the Purple Thistle Center in East Van, and covertly edited overnight in Goldcorp’s “Center for the Arts”, this is a truly independent project about our community and just how far it extends.
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