Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: May 6, 2013 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Unitarian Church of Vancouver
Street: 949 49 Ave W, Vancouver, BC
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: all, movie, showing
Organized By: Celia Brauer
Latest Activity: May 6, 2013
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"Salmon Confidential" is a new film on the government cover up of what is killing BC’s wild salmon. When biologist Alexandra Morton discovers BC’s wild salmon are testing positive for dangerous European salmon viruses associated with salmon farming worldwide, a chain of events is set off by government to suppress the findings. Tracking viruses, Morton moves from courtrooms, into British Columbia’s most remote rivers, Vancouver grocery stores and sushi restaurants. The film documents Morton’s journey as she attempts to overcome government and industry roadblocks thrown in her path and works to bring critical information to the public in time to save BC’s wild salmon.
The film provides surprising insight into the inner workings of government agencies, as well as rare footage of the bureaucrats tasked with managing our fish and the safety of our food supply.
Biologist Alexandra Morton and filmaker Twyla Roscovich will be in attendance and we will be inviting local candidates to come and discuss the views of their parties.
By donation.
Co-sponsored by Village Vancouver, the Environment Committee of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver, Slow Food Vancouver.
"A new film is making sure salmon are on the menu of the provincial election.
Here’s the good news: While the documentary Salmon Confidential is an incredibly disturbing exposé of government efforts to hide the truth about devastating diseases affecting the West Coast’s wild salmon population, it does end on a positive note. Both filmmaker Twyla Roscovich and wild salmon expert Alexandra Morton, the film’s protagonist, believe strongly that there is still time to save our wild fish. 'I realize now that of course I can’t do it by myself. What is needed now is all of you. You need to hold governments to account, and there will never be a better time than now. We can do this. We can save our fish'.”
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