Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: January 12, 2012 from 7:30pm to 9pm
Location: Kushala Yoga at Suter Brook
Street: #303 - 130 Brew Street
City/Town: Port Moody
Event Neighbourhood and Type: port moody, sacred economics
Latest Activity: Jan 12, 2012
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Money today is the very antithesis of the sacred. The modern money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.
In this talk, Charles Eisenstein will explain the forces driving the collapse of our current system, and lay out a vision of a new kind of money system that will replace it.
A mind-opening glimpse of solutions and new ideas for the future of money and economics - and how we can contribute and be part of the positive change.
-------- details --------
Thursday January 12th at 7:30pm
Kushala Yoga at Suter Brook
Following the talk, participants may make a donation based on their sense of gratitude, propriety and value.
For more information, visit:
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