Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: September 5, 2012 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: The Woodland Smokehouse & Commissary
Street: 485 Commercial Drive
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: holistic, cooking, class
Organized By: Rooted Nutrition
Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2012
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(dairy free, veggie, hands-on, wheat-free)
Did you know that you can get probiotics in foods other than yogurt? This popular class is an introduction to the world of pickled, fermented vegetables. Fermentation is an ancient method of preserving the harvest. Rich in probiotics and enzymes for improving digestion, these raw foods are re-gaining their popularity. Reclaim this skill and learn how to make sauerkraut, kimchi and brined pickles at home.
No canning involved! All of the recipes here have no heat applied! And so make vibrant, raw and easy for the whole family to make PICKLES!
We will be making a batch of probiotic sauerkraut together for you to take home and start fermenting right away. Please bring a knife and one 500ml wide mouthed mason jar to class to take home your own!
Demonstrations on making probiotic kimchi and pickled vegetables, complete with samples of the finished product.
Hands-on making ‘community’ ‘kraut, bring a sauerkraut to ferment at home!
Tips for incorporating these foods into your diet.
Quick and easy kimchi fried brown rice/ Miso ‘hot and sauerkraut soup’
Lots of other recipe ideas for your probiotic goodies
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