Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: April 25, 2010 from 1:30pm to 4pm
Location: Quiznos on Annacis Island, walk to Burns Bog
Street: Start at Quiznos on Annacis Island, 640 Chester Road
City/Town: Delta, BC
Website or Map: http://www.pilgrimage2burnsbo…
Phone: 604.572.0373
Event Neighbourhood and Type: walk, nature, demonstration, music
Organized By: Pilgrimage to Burns Bog Committee, Karl Perrin
Latest Activity: Apr 23, 2010
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Join us on April 25, 2010 for a pilgrimage to Burns Bog, a free multifaith event to see and understand the significance and sacredness of Burns Bog.
The pilgrimage will start at Quiznos on Annacis Island at 1:30PM, continuing over the Alex Fraser Bridge and conclude in the Delta Nature Reseve around 5PM. Throughout the journey there will be commentary by various environmental organizations and faith representatives, prayer and singing.
Confirmed speakers include: Rex Weyler, co-founder of Greenpeace, Alexandria Mitchell, Copenhagen youth delegate, and Acharya Shrinath P. Dwivedi, president of Global Hindu Foundation.
Confirmed musicians include: Singers of the Sacred Web and First Nations musicians Daughters of the Drum
This event is organized by the Pilgrimage to Burns Bog Committee, with participating groups including Anglican EcoJustice, Burns Bog Conservation Society, Environmental Ministry Team of Canadian Memorial United Church and Centre for Peace, Kairos, Vancouver Unitarians, and the Wilderness Committee.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. Bicycle storage will be available for those wishing to bike. For more information on Biking to Pilgrimage, check out this website.
Confirm your attendance on the Pilgrimage Facebook Page!
For public transit directions to the starting point on Annacis Island (640 Chester Road) or to the Delta Nature Reserve (10388 Nordel Court) please visit or call Translink at 604.953.3333.
For more information please contact Karl Perrin at
To make a donation to help support this event please call 604.572.0373.
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