Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: November 6, 2014 all day
Location: Vancouver
Event Neighbourhood and Type: course, north, shore
Organized By: Tricia Edgar
Latest Activity: Jun 23, 2015
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November 6, 2014- June 27, 2015
Permaculture is a system of ecological design that’s grounded in three ethics: caring for the earth, caring for the people, and caring for the future, which is often framed as reinvesting or giving others a fair share. Although we see ecological relationships most clearly when we look at Vancouver’s beautiful forests and gardens, permaculture is about much more than gardening. It’s a design system that can be applied to your business, your home, and your life.
This permaculture design course covers the core curriculum of the traditional permaculture design certificate, but it’s focused on the needs and questions of parents, educators, and others who work with children. How do we design our ecosystems, our homes, our gardens and our communities to support a new generation? How do we grow a generation of children who will care for the earth and its people?
To find out more or send in a statement of interest in the course, contact and visit Permaculture For Parents.
Hi Karen,
I tweaked things to be family events on Saturdays - some ran, some didn't. I'm still open to experimentation, however! Feel free to send me an email ( :-).
Interested for the coming year. How did last year go?
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Regular activities:
Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).
Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th
Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID
Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th
West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.
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