Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: January 19, 2012 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Location: Italian Cultural Centre
Street: 500 - 510 W. Hastings St.
City/Town: Vancouver, BC
Event Neighbourhood and Type: sunrise, hastings, talk, peace
Organized By: Vancouver Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada
Latest Activity: Jan 19, 2012
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Next Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 7pm, is a free public talk on nuclear disarmament in Vancouver. Sponsored by the United Nations Association in Canada and hosted by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura to honor Ishiuchi Miyako's Hiroshima exhibit on now at MOA (Museum of Anthropology) through February 12, 2012.
Here are all the details:
The Vancouver Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada presents:
Thursday, January 19, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
at Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 500 - 510 W. Hastings St., Vancouver
Free Public Talk
On the Neutron Trail – Positioning Change and Global Nuclear Disarmament
Olivia Fermi, photographer and process facilitator, talks about the worldwide response to nuclear weapons. From the moral awakening of the scientists who built the first bombs to Gorbachev’s glasnost and beyond to the current conundrum of nuclear weapons in unstable hands, learn about the pivotal role of the world nuclear disarmament movement in shaping current events and public policy. Through personal stories of activists, images and timelines she brings to life the courage and persistence of individuals championing a saner, healthier, safer world. Forty-five minute talk with projected images, guided discussion and Q&A for total of 1.25 hours.
Olivia Fermi, M.A.A.B.S., ConRes Cert, is the grand-daughter of Enrico Fermi, physicist, and Laura Fermi, writer and activist. With her cultural inquiry project the Neutron Trail, Olivia visits the people and places most impacted by our shared nuclear legacy to highlight the dilemmas and possibilities facing humanity today. She has given Neutron Trail talks in Canada, USA and Europe. Olivia is known for her immediate and insightful speaking style, through which she both entertains and empowers audience members.
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Watch Fermi's seven minute TEDxTransmedia Rome talk about the alchemy of opposites - and - six minute video of visit to Enrico Fermi's Via Panisperna lab in Rome on the 110th anniversary of his birth.
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