Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: March 15, 2017 from 6pm to 8:30pm
Location: Dr. Ambedkar Room at Surrey City Centre Library
Street: 10350 University Drive
City/Town: Surrey
Website or Map:…
Phone: (778) 988-3549
Event Neighbourhood and Type: surrey
Organized By: David Dalley
Latest Activity: Mar 8, 2017
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Over the past few months we have seen a rise in the rhetoric of fear and division and increasing neglect of our planet and ecosystems. It has left many of us feeling anxious and disorientated.
Listening circles are a way to give people a chance to say what they are thinking and feeling. They can help engender mutual understanding and support among people in stressful times.
The gathering will be facilitated by Samaya Oakley and Sukhvinder Vinning.
Samaya is looking forward to facilitating this event and hearing from others in the community:
"When it comes down to a basic level, as human beings we all have the same worries, joys, and cares about what kind of state we are leaving the planet in for our children, and how we need a healthy, thriving community in which to live. I'm passionate about creating opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds to come together to listen respectfully about what's on our hearts and minds."
Join us for a time of respectful sharing, listening and connecting.
This event takes place Wednesday, March 15 in the Dr. Ambedkar Room at Surrey City Centre Library, 10350 University Drive. Doors open at 6:00pm, event takes place 6:30-8:30pm. This event is free and all are welcome.
Village engages individuals, neighbourhoods & organizations to take actions that build sustainable communities & have fun doing it. Join us!
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Regular activities:
Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).
Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th
Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID
Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th
West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.
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