Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

*Occupy Vancouver Workshops and Participation

Event Details

*Occupy Vancouver Workshops and Participation

Time: October 15, 2011 at 10am to October 31, 2011 at 7pm
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery
Website or Map:
Event Neighbourhood and Type: general, assembly
Organized By: Julie MacArthur
Latest Activity: Oct 18, 2011

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Event Description

Greetings everyone.

I wanted to share some information on the upcoming Occupy Vancouver movement that starts on Oct 15th, 2011 (no set end date) and encourage interested and curious VVers to come and join us.

It is intended to be a peaceful reclamation of public space in solidarity with what is taking place across the United States. People are also interested in teach-ins, workshops and experimenting in participatory democratic practices: grounding the movement, if you will, in local conditions. Ross Moster has already confirmed that VV is interested in participating in workshops on permaculture, local food security, and other similar topics.  Here is the website:  The more than 300 general assembly participants this past Saturday are working on food committees, kids zones, music, workshops and security, to name just a few, and the format is completely open.

The meeting place is the VAG and (as of this AM) there are more than 2,900 people planning to attend so far.


Hope to see some of you there.

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Comment by sara fralin on October 18, 2011 at 10:27pm
All committees have met and assessed their material needs to ensure the success of our movement and these needs are compiled below. 

If anyone has any of the following items and is willing to donate or loan them for Occupy Vancouver, please email 

For all people planning on dropping items off, the contribution drop-off point is at the North West corner the VAG; there is a driveway off HornbySteet (one way going North), just before (south of) West Georgia Street. 

Someone should be there as of 8AM to receive your contributions. Please indicate whether your contributors are donations or loans. For all loans please write your name on the items, and make sure the person receiving items writes takes down your contact info either way as we need to keep track of all material contributions. 


Media team 
walkie talkies 
press passes 
printer, ink, paper 
tables, chairs, media tent 
rocket stick (prepaid) 
Boom mic and stand 
extension cables 
super long internet cable 
4 power bars 
External hard drives 
SD cards 
Apple laptops with final cut pro 
PC laptops with premier or AVID 
HD cameras 
Cables (USB, FireWire, etc) 
flip HD camera 
Any other film/video equipment (lights, generators, Gaffer tape, power cables, 
duct tape 
saran wrap (for waterproofing) 
re-usable rain ponchos 
Dell 1525 Batteries with Rapid Chargers 
Double A and Triple A Batteries 
HDSLR and Video Camera Rain Covers 
generator (1000 watts minimum, 2000 is good) 
two 4G hotspots (clearchannel is good brand) 

recommended microphone: 

laptop of 2.4ghz core 2 duo or greater.  this will work: 

For the Kids Zone
rubber maid containers 
musical instruments 
large plastic water containers 
childrens books 
cd player, portable radio 

Requests for the KIND KITCHEN 
Rubbermaid containers 
power cords 
hot plates to make warm yummy vegan food 
reusable plates, cups and cutlery 
12' x 12' tarp 
coffee maker, toaster, microwave, mixer 
plastic bins 
serving bowls 

Food requests 
prepared foods, soups salads, fruit & veg 
caffeine free hot beverages, hot chocolate 

The Education Station 
NEEDS A TENT / CANOPY and chairs 

Walky Talkies 
White Boards 

If anyone has any of the following items and is willing to donate or loan them for Occupy Vancouver, please email 
We now have a PayPal account and are accepting contributions. Occupy V

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Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th

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Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th

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