Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: December 16, 2013 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Dandelion Healing Centre (2nd floor)
Street: #202 - 1651 Commercial Drive
City/Town: Vancouver, BC V5L 3V5
Website or Map:…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: the, drive, commercial, winter, solstice, ceremony, community, building, drum, circle, drumming, full, moon, vancouver, bc
Organized By: weaver
Latest Activity: Dec 7, 2013
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Monday eve, December 16, 2013
- 7 pm (doors open 6:30)
@ The Dandelion Healing Centre
#202-1651 Commercial Drive, Vancouver
(at 1st Avenue) - google map:
- located on the 2nd floor in the Il Mercato Mall (Heartquest)
- IMPORTANT... The outside doors on Commercial Drive are shut at 7:15 pm so, please arrive in time to join us.
*Pre-registration is required as seating is limited...
$15 early-bird paypal or $20 @ the door with registration...
- a portion of the door will be donated to the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Let us gather together to warm our hands and our hearts within community to celebrate & honour the Winter Solstice - offering our love and prayers for our blessed earth mother and all her children...
We will also offer our dreamings of that what we wish to 'see' and dream into into becoming as we mindfully move through to 2014... we live in exciting times...
On the wave-pulse of the sacred drum we will also journey to the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades constellation to welcome the returning of the rainbow light - to connect with our inner-stars that will guide us... to touch and embrace loving peace that resides within our violet heart-flames...where, together we choose to shine this light out to all riding the wave of the sacred drum...
This night we honour and acknowledge the direction of the white crystal north and all her crystal beings - to honour our mother... this cycle of winter-time when our blessed earth mother heals while she gently sleeps... the wise white wolf song... the honking snow geese... the grand silent snowy owl... the crystal grandmothers and our luminous ancestors... the silver-haired crone... tall white feather... white abundant buffalo...the shifting aurora borealis... and that tiny bundle of joy, iridescent hummingbird, who shows us how to drink directly from the divine nectar of life - teaching us to zoom into every present moment...... welcoming our own souls to be in our humble joy in all-ways....
We welcome you to join us....! We welcome drummers and those who do not wish to drum to come, hold space and be a part.....
We welcome all types of drums and level of skill - we drum together free and open from a spiritual perspective guided by weaver...
*Pre-registration is required as seating is limited... please visit site for more info, registration and what to bring...
bright blessings...weaver x (((o)))
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