Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: February 1, 2014 from 12pm to 1pm
Location: 12th Ave and Willow Street, across from VGH.
Street: 12th Ave
City/Town: Fairview, Vancouver
Website or Map:…
Phone: 7788475695
Event Neighbourhood and Type: community, engagament
Organized By: Social Housing Alliance (Formerly Social Housing Now)
Latest Activity: Feb 2, 2014
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Please join to STAND with Social Housing Alliance (Previously Social Housing Now) on Saturday, Feb 1st @ noon. The STAND will be at 12th Ave and Willow Street, across from VGH in solidarity with the folks at Heather Place who are facing displacement. Bring your banners if you have them, and we'll have lots of leaflets to distribute. Appreciate all who join in to support our families!•-sat-feb-1st-at-noon/
Social Housing alliance beleives in Affordable Housing for ALL! Please see their demands endorsed by numerous community organizations. This affect us all in one way or another. Get out and support your community!!
Thank you friends of Heather Place. Renoviction and the lack of truly affordable housing is the main reason why BC's children are the poorest in Canada 9 years running!! Let's stand up and spread the word this is NOT acceptable. Not in this neighbourhood not in ANY!!
Was awesome response from the community & great support from Social Housing Coalition BC, Village Vancouver Transition Town Initiative & The Deaf Dog Tales!! See you all at Save Heather Place's Open House/Potluck March 1st!! Nadia asked: "Can we do this every Saturday??" She & I really appreciate the support, for us and all the 46% impoverished Single Moms documented in the First Call Poverty Report Card 2014,
Meet us Feburary 4th @ 7: 30pm at VHS to make some New Buttons & Banners for "RENT CONTROlL NOW" for Save Heather Place's Open House/Potluck pending March 1st !! We would love to meet with supporters of rent control to also discuss forming a petition for Rent Control to Stop Renoviction Rent Hikes!!
With much appreciation,
Karen Gilchrist, BA (Dev. Psych.), MSW, RSW & Nadia Kim Age 8
Good Morning all! Hope you had a great Lunar New Years! Please take a couple of minutes out of your day and stop by & support Heather Place Families today at Noon @ 12th Ave & Willow Across from VGH! See you there !! Truly Affrodable Housing in Safe Neighbourhoods Protects Our Most Vulnerable Popluations, Our Children, from the Social Determinants of Health! Please Review & Like Save Heather Place!
The Rent Control the panel discussed ways CITY COUNCIL & PRIVATE CITIZENS can STOP RENOVICTIONS like HEATHER PLACE. DIAL 311 & TELL the CITY THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! As there IS REAL RENT CONTROL in Ontario & Montreal Rent Control NOW: Controling the percentage that a landlord may increase a rent after dislocating residents for renovation or re-development. It is NOT an increase like the 70% or higher Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation, a supposely "Non-profit" organization, is suggesting Heather Place residents pay after DISOLCATION & ONLY "POSSIBLE" return IF residents "QUALIFY". It IS the STANDARD YEARLY ALLOWABLE rent increase gudied by the RESIDENTIAL TENANCY ACT, i.e. Approx. 3%!! MVHC did not build nor keep up maintenance to keep Heather Place's 20 year buildings out of a state of disrepair! They should not be allowed to Renovict, Rebuild & Manage another Shotty Construction like Olympic Village JACKING UP RENTS by 70% or more! COME to SAVE HEATHER PLACE'S OPEN HOUSE/ POTLUCK MARCH 1st to LEARN MORE!! OR contact PIVOT LEGAL SOCIETY & THE RESIDENTIAL TENANCY BRANCH, Or Even COPE!! CALL THE CITY & TELL THEM THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED: DIAL 311!!
Why is it important to Stand for the 150 Children at Heather Place to ensure they have safe & Truly afford able homes? Because BC has had THE highest Child Poverty Rate in the Country 9 YEARS in a Row!! Two representatives from Heather Place are going!! Do you have your ticket yet??
First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition is a non-partisan, province-wide coalition of over 90 provincial and regional organizations, engaged communities and hundreds of individuals who come together to mobilize British Columbians in support of strong public policies and the allocation of resources for the benefit of children and youth.
We support BC’s children and youth through three strategies:
Public Education
Community Mobilization
Public Policy Advocacy
Download the report card here.
The latest figures from Statistics Canada (2011) once again show that BC is the worst province in Canada when it comes to major measures of child poverty:
BC had a child poverty rate of 18.6 percent – the worst rate of any province in Canada, using the before-tax low income cut-offs of Statistics Canada as the measure of poverty.
BC had the worst poverty rate of any province for children living in single mother families – 49.8 percent.
BC also had the worst poverty rate of any province for children living in two-parent families – 14 percent.
BC’s poverty rate for children under 6 years at 20.7 percent is 8 percentage points higher than the Canadian average.
British Columbia also had the most unequal distribution of income among rich and poor families with children. The ratio of the average incomes of the richest ten percent compared to the poorest ten percent was 12. 6 – the worst of any province.
Event Details:
Date/Time: Thursday February 6th, 5:30pm - 9pm (Doors open, dinner served and silent auction begins at 5:30pm, program begins at 7:15pm)
Location: Fraserview Hall, 8240 Fraser St @ Marine Drive, Vancouver, unceded Coast Salish territories
Tickets: $50 or $35 for student & low/unwaged. Tickets include a delicious buffet Indian dinner and a silent auction full of amazing gifts, services, tickets to arts events, getaways and more. There will also be a raffle for exciting prizes!
Buy tickets online, by phone: 604-873-8437, or by email:
To purchase a reserved group table of 8 for $400 or to find out about the benefits of sponsoring the dinner, please contact Sarena at 604-873-8437 or
Please download a copy of our event poster and post at your office and share with your networks
Good evening folks. Please note there are two events for Heather Place coming up. This posting is specifically to invite you to STAND for Heather Place on Feb 1st to help disperse leaflets Re: Affordable housing & rent control & invites to the community for the Open House PotLuck pending on March 1st . We really need to show this community of vulnerable families we care. Thank you for your support!!
For more information please follow Save Heather Place facebook page & like . With much appreciation, Karen & Nadia
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