Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

Groundswell SocialS: Social Venture Tuesday with Hives for Humanity

Event Details

Groundswell SocialS: Social Venture Tuesday with Hives for Humanity

Time: September 20, 2016 from 5pm to 8pm
Location: Groundswell Grassroots Economic Alternatives
Street: 566 Powell Street
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://www.groundswellcommuni…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: community, talk
Organized By: Iona Fresnoza
Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2016

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Event Description

Groundswell SocialS: Social Venture Tuesday
with Sarah Common of Hives for Humanity

Groundswell is answering a call to create space to come together for community and meaning in our lives and work by opening up our Social Venture program’s Tuesday evening guest speaker series to the public!

Date: September 20, 2016
Doors at 5:00pm
Speaker at 5:30pm
Bar open until 9:00

Featured Speaker: Sarah Common, CCO, Hives for Humanity
where CCO is Chief Community Officer

Born in Quebec and raised in Scotland, Sarah first arrived in the Downtown Eastside in 2006 when she was a University of British Columbia agriculture student with an interest in “food security” — the provision of safe, nutritious and affordable food. With its myriad afflictions, the Downtown Eastside proved to be a huge challenge: poverty, homelessness, addiction and mental-health issues are all barriers to implementing effective food-security protocols.

“We came in thinking that we could increase the nutritional content of the meals being served by connecting the community to untapped sources of fresh food,” explains Sarah.

Sarah is the Chief Community Officer of H4H, a community support worker and beekeeper; and is passionate about fostering vibrant, healthy community through empowerment and education. She believes in the profound impact of connecting individuals and communities to their land, their food and their spirit.

Hives for Humanity (H4H) is a non-profit organization that encourages community connections through apiculture, more commonly known as beekeeping. Through mentorship based programming we create flexible opportunities for people to engage in the therapeutic culture that surrounds the hive; we foster connectivity to nature and to each other; we participate in local sustainable economies; we support at-risk populations of people and pollinators, and we do so with respect and joy.

Founded in 2012, H4H is the brainchild of Sarah Common and her mother, Julia.

Come meet Sarah, hear her story and advocacy, and purchase some H4H products (honey, candles, and other goodies!) at their pop-up shop at the Groundswell Cafe!

A $10 donation gets you in with a drink in your hand, but no one will be turned away: please email if the entry fee is a barrier to your attendance.


You are invited!
Groundswell SocialS is weekly event featuring local folk including entrepreneurs, activists, and professionals, who are making on the ground, real positive change and are eager to share their experience and knowledge with the greater community. Call it social enterprise, community building, social innovation, changemaking, meaningful work, professional development, or just kicking back with a beer and a room full of curious, smart, heart-centered doers (yes, this means YOU!) - come and find your community here.

And, get the tips, tricks, and stories that are creating the map to that better future, as we venture there.

a new speaker, or set of speakers, will share their story and experience and engage in dialogue with attendees in a Q&A session. Afterwards, the bar will remain open and you can stay - or come late and join us then! - for a casual, warm soiree where you can energize and grow the groundswell of social change together, with play and work.

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