Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: October 21, 2013 from 11am to 5:30pm
Location: Roberts Creek, BC
Event Neighbourhood and Type: class
Organized By: Delvin Solkinson
Latest Activity: Oct 3, 2013
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"lets not embrace sustainability because we fear the future
lets embrace sustainability because we love the things we love about the present"
- Larry Santoyo
Join a group of conscious learners in a free introduction to permaculture day in the Heart Gardens, Gumboot Gardens, Elphinstone Rainforest and Mandala Beach of Roberts Creek. Pilgrimage in carpools to the Sunshine Coast, a short ferry ride from Vancouver, to experience an unique and creative introduction to the permaculture paradigm.
After nine successful runs of this free intro day, its been a great experience for people who are new to permaculture as well as those who are deeply experienced.
together we will :
talk about the ethos, principles,
toolkit and metastructure of permaculture,
tour the gardens,
meet some of the food-medicine plants of the Coastal First Peoples,
share a potluck meal,
watch some permaculture movies,
walk in the rainforest,
meet by the ocean,
and have an inspiring day learning and growing with nature.
The day will run on October 21 from 11 am - 5:30 pm, aligning with the bus linked to the 9:40 am ferry from Horseshoe Bay and the 7:30 ferry returning to Vancouver. I will help to co-ordinate a carpool as well.
There is a limited space so please RSVP to confirm your attendance to
Since its a free course, i am trusting that if you ask for a space you will make a commitment to following through and attending the full day :) The spring weather varies, please come dressed to be outside for short periods regardless of weather (dress warm and with rainproof gear or umbrella if you are worried about rain).
Looking forward to a day of wonderful people connecting and sharing about how to be more conscious planetary citizens.
Delvin Solkinson has completed a PDC, Diploma and Masters Degree with Bill Mollison and done advanced trainings with Rosemary Morrow, David Holmgren, Geoff Lawton, Patricia Michael, Robyn Francis, the Bullock Brothers, Tom Ward, Jude Hobbs, Larry Santoyo, Scott Pittman, Michael Becker, Robin Wheeler, Starhawk and Robin Clayfield. He is an accredited teacher through the Permaculture Research Institute and a Field Mentor through Permaculture Institute USA. Recently he completed a PDC in Portland with Toby Hemenway and a second Diploma through PI USA.
to register email for more details
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Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th
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