Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: September 8, 2013 from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Location: Gibby's Fiels, Knight Street
Street: Knight
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://www.falsecreekwatershe…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: gibby's, dan, fass, grandview, cedar, cottage
Organized By: Celia Brauer
Latest Activity: Aug 30, 2013
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We will start at Kingcrest Park, 4150 Knight St. (at E. 26 Ave.), southwest corner
Gibson Creek was a major creek in the old China Creek system. It ran north-south through the middle of Kensington-Cedar Cottage (KCC), from 41st Avenue and Kensington Community Centre in the south to its mouth not far from VCC-Clark SkyTrain station, passing through or by six East Vancouver parks on its way.
This tour pays particular attention to where Gibson Creek was joined by another major creek, Davey Creek. This point, known locally as "Gibby's Field," is on three City lots which have never been developed
and contains an original piece of creek bed. Gibby's Field recently received a "Places That Matter" historical plaque from the VancouverHeritage Foundation.
The tour starts in Kingcrest Park on Knight Street near Kingsway, close to the original Cedar Cottage, a nursery and market gardens, and brewery (1901) --- all dependent on Gibson Creek. The tour follows
Gibson Creek as it crossed under Kingsway and Knight, flowed across the old farm of Moses Gibson (1850--1937)who gave his name to Gibson Creek and Gibby's Field, then past Tyee Elementary School and through Gibby's Field. The tour continues past the site of an old mink farm to Clark Park at Maddams Street. Much of the land along the lower reaches of the creek has been used for non-market purposes: a school, churches, non-market housing, parks, and a community college.
Dan Fass is part of the Gibby's Field Subcommittee, a citizen's group seeking to preserve Gibby's Field as a community greenspace (see
By Donation.
Not wheelchair accessible
Grassy parts, please wear appropriate footwear
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