Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: September 15, 2012 from 10am to 12pm
Location: False Creek, Kitsilano, Granville Island
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://http;//www.falsecreekw…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: fish, walk, education, kitsilano, granville, island., creek
Organized By: Celia Brauer
Latest Activity: Sep 10, 2012
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Meet at: Kitsilano Coast Guard Station - just west of the Burrard Bridge on the south side of the entrance to False Creek
False Creek used to have many freshwater streams that emptied into it. It used to be lined with sealife and filled with ocean mammals and fish at all times of year.
Today the creek has changed but there still is some sealife to be found. Louise will take you on a tour of the seawall - passing the fisherman's Wharf to talk about the kind of fish that are caught off the boats there. You will then go to Granville Island to discuss the fish that is sold there and how sustainable the seafood is. Louise will have some cool 'give aways' to help you understand the most sustainable fish to buy.
Louise will also talk about her work with the Stream of Dreams and show you a hidden but popular mural under the Granville Street bridge.
Louise Towell is the founder and principal of the Stream of Dreams - a group that has helped over 100,000 children all over BC and Canada learn about how their action affect their watersheds. She is an artist and keen observer of fish, following in the fishsteps of her some of her ancestors who worked in the canneries on the San Juan Islands and fished the Cowlitz river so many years ago.
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