Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: September 27, 2013 from 8pm to 10pm
Location: Eternal Abundance, 1025 Commercial Drive,
Street: Eternal Abundance, 1025 Commercial Drive,
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://Watch the trailer: ht…
Phone: 604-707-0088
Event Neighbourhood and Type: vancouver, -, film, about, bees
Organized By: Jocelyn Demers Alex from Eternal Abundance
Latest Activity: Sep 19, 2013
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Documentary film screening:
Saving The Life Keepers -The new science of sustainable beekeeping-
Friday September 27 at 8PM.
8 dollars including an organic snack.
At: Eternal Abundance, 1025 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC
Saving the Life Keepers, is a visual delight for the eyes and reveals how local citizens, farmers, small and large businesses as well as beekeepers can help protect and preserve bee populations throughout the world. This documentary offers several practical solutions. These include: utilizing the biodiversity of plants, mass plantings of protein rich flowers, Queen bee organic mating yards, how to fight bee parasites and diseases without chemicals and antibiotics and finally, how beekeepers work successfully with productive and resistant Africanized bees. A humanistic adventure based on the extraordinary realities of the present, this documentary marks the way to sustain the future for generations of people and bees yet to come.
Watch the trailer:!__page-2
The master beekeeper Brian Campbell and the film director and producer Jocelyn Demers will be at this event for a Q and A.
In Good Food!
Jocelyn Demers
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