Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: November 23, 2011 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: meet at Trees Organic 450 Granville 7PM Then Move to private meeting site, Please be on time. Move to meeting site will be at 7:10
Phone: 778-866-4451
Event Neighbourhood and Type: ecological/new economics
Organized By: Jordan B
Latest Activity: Nov 23, 2011
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Please join us for our next Ecological/New Economics discussion circle! This is a place to learn about new perspectives on economics and how the understanding and practice of economics can be transformed into a new paradigm in which people and the planet matter.
For our next discussion circle, Michael Barkusky will lead a discussion on externalities - i.e. costs that people of corporations impose on others through their activities, but which they don't have to pay for. The full accounting of costs is an issue of great importance if we are to achieve a sustainable economy, so this should be a very interesting discussion!
Perhaps you all, already, saw this but I feel it's very a pro pos: :) Excited for tomorrow!
Hi Jennifer,
I'm glad you're coming and hope your partner can make it too! We will stick around at Trees until about 7:10pm to ensure that we have gathered everyone who can come, then move to the boardroom location. One we are in the boardroom it becomes rather complicated for others to join us as you need a special key fob to get through the front doors and up the elevator, so hopefully he can make it by 7:10.
Hi Jocelynn, if you are an accountant you would be interested to know what Michael Barkusky is as well, and he also does a lot of thinking around ecologically responsible accounting practices. You should definitely talk!
Hey, I would love to attend - sounds very interesting, and given that I work in accounting, I'm always thinking about that kind of thing and how we can better incorporate certain externalities onto the face of the financial statements so that business may actually pay attention to them (sadly how ppl listen). Being able to show up will be dependant upon how busy I get with work... I will try my best though!! :)
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