Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: May 31, 2012 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: Toast Collective
Street: 648 Kingsway (near Fraser)
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: mount, pleasant
Organized By: Eat The Rich! Community Kitchen
Latest Activity: May 28, 2012
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Join us for an evening of cheesemaking with David Asher. We'll be making three basic styles of cheese: paneer, yogourt cheese and camembert, an aged rennet cheese. These lessons will provide a solid foundation for those interested in making cheese at home, or anyone who wants to know how their cheese is made.
The workshop will emphasize a ‘natural cheesemaking’, with a focus on simple, DIY methods. David will also talk about raw milk, rennet-free cheeses and dairy ferments. At the end of the workshop, we will feast on our freshly made cheeses.
What to bring:
Bring along a container or two to take home fresh made cheese and some dairy cultures.
for more info check out my workshop website
guerrillacheese.wordpress.comThis workshop will be limited to 18 participants. Please RSVP! As always, our events are pay what you can, nobody turned away for lack of funds (we mean it). The suggested donation for materials and support of the workshop space will be on a sliding scale from $10 - $20.
Toast Collective Accessibility Info:
Front door: 40” across
Bathroom door: 27.5” across
>> the bathroom is very small Kitchen door: 36” across There is one medium step at the front entrance.
Comment from the organizer, Anthony:
The event is actually on Thursday, May 31st from 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
It's not too late - there's still lots of room!
email to RSVP!
I don't know if it's too late to RSVP if it's tonight? Is there room for 2 of us?
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