Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: October 14, 2012 from 10am to 12pm
Location: Wreck Beach, West Vancouver
Street: Acadia Beach
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://http;//www.falsecreekw…
Event Neighbourhood and Type: point, grey, ubc, walk, education, beach
Organized By: Celia Brauer
Latest Activity: Oct 14, 2012
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Three local non-profit groups – Little Mountain Neighbourhood House, Village Vancouver, the False Creek Watershed Society and the Greenest City Action Plan to create a series of 10 “Earth Walks”. This is the last walk in the series.
Please note time change)
Meet at Acadia Beach Parking Lot 10 AM.
The route goes west along the beach from Acadia Creek. Wreck Beach is one of the last close-to-wild beaches in Vancouver and has many remaining natural ecosystems to observe.
Pamela will point out the important ecosystem features on the beach. She will also spend some time talking about the way humans connect to nature in our highly fast-paced, industrialized and urban worlds and do some guided mediations to help people better accomplish these connections in a positive way.
Pamela Zevit is a Registered Professional Biologist in BC and the Principal for Adamah Consultants. Her focus is on biodiversity consultations, environmental literacy and landscape ecology. She has worked for many years in the Como Watershed in Coquitlam and is very knowledgable of the local ecosystems. Reconciling the conflicts between human and no human resource needs and improving trust between society and science practioners are her main aspirations
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