Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: October 20, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Strathcona Community Centre - Activity Room on Main Floor
Street: 601 Keefer Street
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map:
Event Neighbourhood and Type: strathcona
Organized By: Milisa Gardy, Ross Moster & VV Neighbourhood Food Networks
Latest Activity: Nov 28, 2011
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Some of our economic system’s deepest flaws are lain bare in the vital matters of food production and distribution. Could a new form of money – community currency – help change the economics of food? Join us for an exploratory look at the possibilities for a more just, local and environmentally friendly food economy.
Instructor: Jordan Bober
45529.401 Thu. 7:00-9:00pm
Oct 20 Free
have been helping some of my neighbors with gardening,have offers of a few more gardens.if i had a partner or three to undertake the watering,much with soaker hose but also by watering can we could expand our production to feed the multitudes,and if anyone can allocate a sunny strip foot wide,12 or more long will provide bamboo poles and some heritage Italian seed adequate for a good harvest 8-10-12fthigh,summer long,so enlist your kids,price, part of a sack of bag your own mushroom manure from garden works,or free
Hey Jordan,
I'm in the middle of a migraine and can't make it tonight. Sucks, I really wanted to be there. Next time.
Thanks for sharing these links Hella, I love the idea of art as money! When you think about it, Art is just as or even more localisable than Food, and yet artists often find themselves in the same boat as people working with food: lots of blood, sweat and tears with meagre economic return.
And there has always been a link between art and money throughout history. In central Europe during medieval times when the money used, the Brakteaten, had a negative effective interest rate, artists and artisans flourished like never before or since as people and institutions saw art and craft as the smartest investments, objects that would retain their value all the while providing aesthetic pleasure.
You've really got my wheels turning now!
Ok, A couple links a lady in Holland just sent me on Art as Money, which I thought you'd appreciate:
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Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th
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