Join us to learn more about the Earth Summit 2012 and why is it important to get involved. You will learn about We Canada and our partner initiatives. You will find out how to become more people and planet-friendly. You can participate in a WE CANADA flash mob held in the three cities!

At noon we are taking over the beautiful Olympic Village and joining Ottawa and Toronto in the celebrations.
MCing the event we have the We Canada hosts Sean Kravetsky and Zara Durrani to take you through a day of Capoera dancing, live music, food, art and vendors of all kinds, educational seminars and much more! Our first band up is The Phonix – have you heard them yet?
Here are some of the speakers and workshops we are hosting!
Fair Trade: Now You Know – by Sean McHugh and Sasha Caldera, Fair Trade Vancouver
This workshop will explore what’s behind the common logos that we are exposed to on a regular basis.
One Earth: How to lead social change for sustainability – by Vanessa Timmer
Join a dynamic interactive workshop about effective approaches to social change and lessons from the field.
Transition Towns & Village Vancouver: Building fun & resilient communities neighbourhood by neighbourhood – by Ross Moster
In five years, the Transition Town movement has spread around the world, and in three years, Village Vancouver Transition Initiative has attracted thousands of members locally. Learn why these unique, powerful, solution oriented efforts, which focus on connecting-people-in-community, have grown so quickly and how you can participate.
The changing face of media: Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival – by Agam Darshi and Patricia Isaac.
We Canada: the voice of change at Earth Summit 2012! – by the We Canada We Canada is a nation-wide initiative for the upcoming Earth Summit 2012. Engage in shaping yours and your children’s communities and future. Learn how you can be part of the picture at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. We want to bring one million voices to the attention of our government and other countries. Canadians care about people, about the environment and equity – let’s show the world what we can do!
Global Health: A Personally trained Responsibility – by Ben Newman, Pillars of Health
Eco-responsibility falls into the same realm as human health; It is only conscious awareness that spares us from pain. The folks at ‘Pillars of Health’ ™ Endeavor to show you how to find a positive lifestyle response to a burgeoning issue.