Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: October 26, 2010 from 7:15pm to 9:30pm
Location: MOSIAC, Grandview Woodland neighbourhood
Event Neighbourhood and Type: presentaion, peak oil, local economy, village vancouver, transition towns, community economics, collaboration
Organized By: A Community Alternative
Latest Activity: Oct 27, 2010
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The closing presentation in the Economic Alternatives series.
An exploration of Community Economics and what Village Vancouver is doing locally to promote a local economy.
We'll show parts of Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil, and look at what participants can do to help create a community economy.
A Community Aware Fall 2010 Workshop Series
We believe the world economy may well be in a state of collapse. Rather than standing idly by, we need to consider our options. This neighbourhood workshop will address the current economic system’s ills. Our four invited speakers will discuss some of the many alternatives that are now being proposed.
The sessions will take place on Five Tuesdays - 7:15 to 9:30 pm - starting September 28, 2010, in the Mosaic Settlement Services meeting room, 1720 Grant Street, just East of Commercial Drive.
To register, contact We will confirm that you are registered. You can also register on the first night BUT space is limited and response to the initial announcement has been very strong. Total cost is $15.00 per individual.
At the first meeting, we will approach the current economic system as a pathologist would in trying to determine the cause of death; we can then move into a discussion of alternatives. We want to be informed by the first session, so that we can be sure that the alternative economies proposed by our invited speakers address the ills in the present system that are our greatest concerns.
Sept 28 - What’s wrong with the current system?
ACA organizers will present their views on some of the deepest flaws in the current economic system. Workshop participants will be invited to present their own autopsy reports as well.
October 5 - Degrowth as an alternative - Conrad Schmidt
Conrad Schmidt is the founder of the Work Less Party and organizer of the First North American Conference on Degrowth. He asserts: “ The evidence is overwhelming that unlimited industrial growth is no longer possible. Our challenge is to shrink… the economy without creating massive unemployment and poverty.” He will discuss his program for “Efficiency Shifting”.
October 12 - The Cooperative System – John Restakis
John Restakis is the Executive Director of the B.C. Co-Operative Association. He will address the role of Co-operatives in a new economy.
October 19 – Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives – Marc Lee
Marc Lee is CCPA senior economist and chair of The Progressive Economic Forum. He will present the CCPA perspective on alternatives.
October 26th – Village Vancouver – Ross Moster
Ross Moster is the founder and convenor of Village Vancouver, . VV is Vancouver's Transition Town initiative, responding appropriately and smartly to Climate Change, Peak Oil, and economic instability.
Village engages individuals, neighbourhoods & organizations to take actions that build sustainable communities & have fun doing it. Join us!
Village earns 15% on your book purchases from New Society Publishers. Details here.
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Regular activities:
Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).
Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th
Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID
Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th
West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.
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