Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities
Time: October 10, 2010 from 2pm to 5pm
Location: March Scott Road Skytrain Station to Bridgeview Elementary School
Street: Scott Road Skytrain Station (Expo Line) to 129th St & 115b Ave
City/Town: North Surrrey, BC
Website or Map:…
Phone: 604-877-1223 (Eric Doherty)
Event Neighbourhood and Type: north, surrey, protest, action, digging
Organized By: Council of Canadians
Latest Activity: Oct 6, 2010
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Mass Direct Action against Climate Crime on October 10, 2010
Join the 10/10/10 Global Work Party to stop global warming. In the Lower Mainland join the party and work to bag sand from the proposed South Fraser Freeway to raise the dykes protecting nearby communities.
WHEN: Meet at 2:00 p.m. PDT
WHERE: Scott Road, Skytrain Station (East, Taxi Stand Side) then march to 129th St. and 115b Ave in North Surrey – near Bridgeview Elementary School (Map), a distance of under 2 kilometres
This year as part of the 10/10/10 Global Work Party (Oct 10, 2010), we will get to work stopping a deliberate climate crime – the South Fraser Perimeter ‘Road’ freeway which is part of the Gateway Program. The estimated $2 billion proposed freeway would greatly increase greenhouse gas emissions, pave over some of BC’s best farmland, scar the delicate banks of the Fraser River, and pollute elementary school playgrounds.
Freeways = Climate Crime
Presently, the South Fraser Freeway route is marked by piles of ‘preload’ sand. We will use this sand to start raising the flood control dikes around a Surrey neighbourhood to protect it from flooding caused by global warming.
We need people to fill sand bags and use them to raise the dike, and lots of people to help out in other ways and show their support. The risk of arrest is very low for anyone who does not wish to risk arrest. Legal information will be available.
This action will emphasize the need to shift resources away from climate crimes to creating green jobs and climate justice. Every cent is needed for solutions like public transit and electric passenger trains, and to protect communities from flooding and other effects of global warming.
What can I do right now? Go to and sign up to receive more information, including volunteer orientation and work party times.
The 10/10/10 Dig in for Climate Justice is a project of the Council of Canadians (Delta-Richmond, Vancouver-Burnaby, and Surrey-White Rock-Langley chapters), and
Endorsed by many organizations.
For more info visit or email edoherty at or call 604-877-1223.
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